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Re: Singles and Plotting 2.0!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:15 pm
by Silverdust
Tigs: Totally understandable! There was probably a lot of missed conversation between these two about what they expected (feelings--not Web's strong point xD), but I doubt that their current characters would have the same idea about "love" and what it means. To Web, it can't be all or nothing--not that she's indecisive or can't love someone fiercely, but that she is more of the person who if she has forged a connection in that way, she is committed to it, and won't sacrifice one for another. I think had she been able to articulate/know that about herself earlier, she wouldn't have gotten so involved with Chaos, knowing that their wavelengths were so different and not wanting to mislead him.

Luna definitely deserves closure, and Avalir would do his best to give it to her--he does care for her in a fatherly/brotherly way for sure, at least. As for Eve, she loves Avalir deeply--he was the one who saved her, or at least enabled her to save herself. Even if Avalir doesn't exactly feel the same, it's more than platonic; he respects her feelings and returns what he can. The magic aspect is just an empathic ability that gets usually gets stronger the closer Avalir is to someone. I'm sure Luna would be powerful enough to find a way around it if they did try to work something out, but again it's completely understandable that she would want/need her true soulmate. That said, she would still always be welcome in Sive's lands and to the Circle, should she need anything from them :)

I'm glad Signal and Teardrop are a possibility! And since NightTears is involved in the unbonded RP right now, we can try seeing if Dust and Locket work out? I'm also very intrigued by Silk and Trite--I'm getting some Moribito or Princess Mononoke vibes that I love :heart: I know you've probably got a lot of pairs on your plate atm, so just let me know how you want to go about tackling these.

Talia: I'd love to do a Gem and Web girls night out thread after the unbonded RP! I'm a sucker for the strong, silent type, so if anyone I've got catches Oblivion's eye/interest, let me know! Same with Threestrikes--his story touching upon his desire to follow the Warrior's calling struck a chord with me, since I tend to play my Warriors the same; might be interesting to do some kind of adventure/battle thread? As long as it doesn't interfere with any plot you already have in the works, of course, just a thought ^^ Stalk might also have an interesting dynamic with either Lucid or Confetti, if either of them are enough to draw her interest.

Songhue: I'm really enjoying the Caustic/Lock thread, I just wanted to let you know <3 I see Astarte kind of in that same almost-adult stage too--I think it looks like she's the youngest out of the Turkey Day babies ^^ She'd definitely want to check back in with AuraSidra, too, especially after the last incident. Not sure how to bring them all together, but I'm open to whatever you might come up with ;)

And a last note, my break is over so my post activity might slow a bit as school ramps back up--I'll try to check-in as often as I can, and apologies in advance if I leave some of you hanging for a while >.<

Re: Singles and Plotting 2.0!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:21 pm
by Songhue
I'm really glad to hear that! I'm having a blast with it, ended up chewing on his tail all night waiting for my last post. XD And for Astarte and OakHeart, I'm totally seeing a teenage romance going on here. >_> Once you think you can tackle it with your school load let me know - I so see teenage angst in this, lol!

Replying to everyone tonight, once hubby is in bed. It's my Sunday, so I'm taking some time chilling with him and will play once I get personal time. ^_^

Edit: Or I could pass out in the recliner as soon as he hits the sack at 4 AM. >_> Because naps have apparently claimed me. <_< I'll be hitting it this afternoon, should be working on it around supper time-ish. *dances in place from eagerness*

Re: Singles and Plotting 2.0!

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 7:56 pm
by Silverdust
*excitedly cues up Alicia Keys 'Teenage Love Affair' and High School Musical sap* :D

Honestly, teenage romance would be so fun, because I can imagine Astarte is going to be so awkward. Being so socially sheltered, she is barely making headway in having friends in her age range--as I'm sure AuraSidra might know ;) I guess whenever you feel the Caustic/Lock thread is slowing in momentum, we can start something with these three ^^

Re: Singles and Plotting 2.0!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 11:07 am
by Rainer
So I'm just going to go ahead and drop in here :D I plan on sticking around this time, honest..

I scanned over some the posts to sort of get caught up, Silverdust I would love some Hinote/Saphirespin RP and see where things go, it seems a bit complicated for both of them. I have unfortunately forgotten a lot of the plots surrounding my guys so please forgive me as I try to get reacquainted with them, or it seems their personalities are a bit different :out:

I will be going through and editing some pages on my site, I noticed a couple of links don't work, but if anyone wants to take a swing at any of them please feel free... I especially would like to do more with Trace and Scry. The only one I would say probably isn't ready for anything is Spin, unless Songhue wants to revisit that whole situation with Frolic (and possibly refresh me on what happened >_<)

Re: Singles and Plotting 2.0!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 11:12 am
by Songhue
Ha! I love it. I think what basically happened is they got back in touch and she got to get the reassurance that she hadn't simply been dropped and it helped heal about 80% of all the confused hurt she was trying to process. He was... Damaged, a bit, from all of it. But he did still care, and they sort of agreed to just let the care they had for each other be enough. She'd love a meet up again at some point, but she's content to let that happen as it may.

Re: Singles and Plotting 2.0!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 12:26 pm
by Silverdust
Rainer!! I'm so glad you're back :D I would definitely be down to do another Saphire/Hinote thread--they do have a great dynamic that I've missed, and I'd love to see where they go now that they're older and both parents. I think Id and Satin might also have some things to sort out? Whatever fits your plotting ^^

Also, I really enjoyed the thread we had going with Trace and the Warriors--I'm not exactly sure where it was going, but it was fun :)