Rules for Adopting

General Rules

  • Never manipulate/change my images unless you have permission.
  • Any Serian adopted out may appear on the Serian trading cards. I retain all rights to use my images as I please.
  • You are only allowed to send in one application per month. If you would like to revise your application, email Foxxfyre with the correction.

Rules for Adopting

  • You must have a webpage ready for your Serian if and only if you have never adopted before (see below). If you have adopted before, you only need to include the URL of one of your Serians as the URL.
  • After you adopt, you must have your Serian on a page within 2 weeks unless otherwise specified.
  • If you have a Serian that is still a foal or you have yet to put your previously adopted Serian on a page, you cannot adopt until this is remedied. If your Serian's URL is not linked to its name under its Altar, I don't have it.

Webpage Rules

  • Good Examples: Lock, Collide, LunarPrism
  • You have to create the webpage by yourself: you can't ask other people to make one for you, though you -can- use website templates and such.
  • The more elaborate the story and webpage, the more chance you have of being chosen to adopt.
  • The following is required on your webpage:
    • A paragraph describing the environment, or just introducing the page... More than two sentences, PLEASE!
    • An incomplete stats chart including Name, Age (if a foal), Gender, Parents/Affinity, Special Stats, and Circle.
    • You must link back to the Sionayra homepage:
  • No PG-13+ content or swearing on the site, and no links to other sites containing it. Be nice!
  • Don't crowd your Serian, no more than 4 creatures on a page.


  • If you don't want your creature anymore, tell me so I can re-adopt it out. Nobody likes to be homeless.
  • If you break any of the rules AFTER you have adopted, I will re-adopt out your Serian and give it a better home, and you won't be able to adopt anymore.