Re: Experiments {Silv/Astarte}
Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 9:10 pm
OakHeart smiled at the swish of her tail, relieved that this young, half grown mare was already so patiently kind. It was more understanding than any single soul deserved to receive; he had been remiss, before, not to attempt to know her, to allow her to be little more than another leaf in a bush. She was gentle enough that it was easy to make excuses about the slight differences in age, or that her friendship was with another, but in truth it was simply that she herself had been easy for him to miss.
And now she offered him help; either with the young one's eminent journey, to aid in watching over any who would attempt to meet the needs of her heart, or in more personal matters, the shortcomings he had which caused him to overextend himself.
He had promised he would only pester her for one more piece, however, and now that he had set the limitation for himself he would abide by it. It meant that whatever she offered for him, he would have to make the most of it; he had only one chance at gleaning her insight now. As kind as her heart was proving to be, he would step cautiously lest he begin to weigh himself as a nuisance for her.
There was only a slight tug in his heart, a minor touch of uncertainty; but easily dismissed and forgotten, a moment later, as he decided that it was not, perhaps, quite so selfish to selfishly ask for help with his own issues, rather than to look after her future options. After all, these bouts of strain did not only impact his life.
He stepped closer as she shifted her ear, close enough for his wing to brush against her side, and took a small risk in pressing his will into the flower while cut off from any other natural source. It wouldn't be so easy or instantaneous to get himself a drink where he stood; but he saw how very still she had kept herself, where his small gifted flower rested.
Allow me, he smiled, and eased the flower into growing, the stem curling around her ear and winding firmly through her mane, twisting itself around to grip a few delicate strands of hair. It would be easy enough to tug free, once she loosened her mane from the plait she had woven it into, but even then it should remain stable until there was need to remove it. I would not have a token of fondness become inconvenient, for then it is but a burden. And to thank you, for your help is invaluable, the little flower should be able to return to earth within a quarter moon.
It was a small trick, a little touch of deception on the plant, to encourage the growth of new roots, the spread of a fresh start to negate the onset of decay. The flower itself was less vital than the plant base, and usually regrown without trouble; reversing that was easy enough, once the process was begun. The only catch he had found so far was that the plant would continually rejuvenate itself, becoming immortal unless he bent his influences over it again. To some extent it was useful; but all things needed to fade, in time, to make way for new growth, stronger seeds, and until now he had never allowed such a thing to last for very long.
He didn't mention the imminent permanence of the little flower - hopefully it was one she found favorable? - leaving it to be a surprise, and perhaps worried on what she might think of such a thing. She was one who repaired, after all, found the little broken things and put them back together again; it was hard to fathom what her view on something that was self-repairing would be.
If you've no such objection, sweet blossom, he added with a bow, and stepped back to consider the shelves around them. What would you recommend for-
He stopped, not entirely sure what to ask. Endurance, perhaps? But he had already stretched his endurance by pushing himself as he did, however unintentionally. Mental acuity, perhaps?
What would you recommend for helping me learn how to split my awareness? he finally said, and gave her a look of such utter helplessness that it was rather pitiable. You saw in our training earlier that our young friend up there knew to exploit physical stimulus to break my influences. That's where it all falls apart for me; keeping my concentration while dealing with my body.
He paused again, seeking the right words, and finally tilted his head towards her in a manner that bespoke sharing a confidence. When I work with nature, I become a part of it. I am more than myself, and my focus exists within my work on a level that is nearly total. Pausing for anything physically vital for my own body breaks that connection, reorients what is primarily vital in myself, and as a result my body is often neglected.
He snorted, uncertain how to begin to address the issue, where to begin trying to mend this weakness. He gets so lost in his element that nothing else exists; including himself.
I can expand until I can sense and touch vast forests, and thanks to your insight earlier I can expand even to becoming attuned to each leaf in that forest, but expanding to include myself eludes me. I can feel the veins of a leaf; the ones within myself are a wholly separate experience, well outside of my influences. The disconnect is too prominent to ignore - at least right now.
He felt so lost when he thought of it. How to connect what was outside of his realm of influence to the total focus of what was his to influence? It felt insurmountably impossible.
It took time for her to navigate her way out of her her own mind, but eventually, as the little firefly sparks slipped down to say hello - odd little floating lights that they were, perhaps a greeting from the very toplight she had used to excuse herself - some small awareness returned to her. This truly was a marvelous construction, now that she was able to focus better on truly examining it, and the little lights only added to the wonder.
Glancing around revealed OakHeart standing close with Astarte, and she smiled at the sight, yet another wonder. He was a stallion that made few connections that didn't involve a bush of some kind; to see him making friends, especially with someone as lovely as Astarte was, warmed her heart.
It was brighter up here, with the little glow-lights, than near the other windows; that was odd, as the sun set on the ground before sleeping, and if it was the last vestiges of daylight the brightness should be focused towards one side or the other. Glancing at the glow-lights, she whispered Are you keeping the brightness here for me? and fluttered her wings as she spiraled higher to touch one of the 'flowers' with her nose. It felt similarly to the map that shifted on the wall, and yet it was warmer. Somehow it felt more welcoming; but that could easily be her own affinity for light. Eventually she would really have to show her friend the blinding glare of her home, the two suns sparkling off of endless snow and blazing ice lit with special crystals.
It was brighter here than it was near the books. Seeking comfort from the familiar, she lingered a moment longer, trying to figure out how it was that this piece glowed while others slowly dimmed. They didn't need her right now, after all.
And now she offered him help; either with the young one's eminent journey, to aid in watching over any who would attempt to meet the needs of her heart, or in more personal matters, the shortcomings he had which caused him to overextend himself.
He had promised he would only pester her for one more piece, however, and now that he had set the limitation for himself he would abide by it. It meant that whatever she offered for him, he would have to make the most of it; he had only one chance at gleaning her insight now. As kind as her heart was proving to be, he would step cautiously lest he begin to weigh himself as a nuisance for her.
There was only a slight tug in his heart, a minor touch of uncertainty; but easily dismissed and forgotten, a moment later, as he decided that it was not, perhaps, quite so selfish to selfishly ask for help with his own issues, rather than to look after her future options. After all, these bouts of strain did not only impact his life.
He stepped closer as she shifted her ear, close enough for his wing to brush against her side, and took a small risk in pressing his will into the flower while cut off from any other natural source. It wouldn't be so easy or instantaneous to get himself a drink where he stood; but he saw how very still she had kept herself, where his small gifted flower rested.
Allow me, he smiled, and eased the flower into growing, the stem curling around her ear and winding firmly through her mane, twisting itself around to grip a few delicate strands of hair. It would be easy enough to tug free, once she loosened her mane from the plait she had woven it into, but even then it should remain stable until there was need to remove it. I would not have a token of fondness become inconvenient, for then it is but a burden. And to thank you, for your help is invaluable, the little flower should be able to return to earth within a quarter moon.
It was a small trick, a little touch of deception on the plant, to encourage the growth of new roots, the spread of a fresh start to negate the onset of decay. The flower itself was less vital than the plant base, and usually regrown without trouble; reversing that was easy enough, once the process was begun. The only catch he had found so far was that the plant would continually rejuvenate itself, becoming immortal unless he bent his influences over it again. To some extent it was useful; but all things needed to fade, in time, to make way for new growth, stronger seeds, and until now he had never allowed such a thing to last for very long.
He didn't mention the imminent permanence of the little flower - hopefully it was one she found favorable? - leaving it to be a surprise, and perhaps worried on what she might think of such a thing. She was one who repaired, after all, found the little broken things and put them back together again; it was hard to fathom what her view on something that was self-repairing would be.
If you've no such objection, sweet blossom, he added with a bow, and stepped back to consider the shelves around them. What would you recommend for-
He stopped, not entirely sure what to ask. Endurance, perhaps? But he had already stretched his endurance by pushing himself as he did, however unintentionally. Mental acuity, perhaps?
What would you recommend for helping me learn how to split my awareness? he finally said, and gave her a look of such utter helplessness that it was rather pitiable. You saw in our training earlier that our young friend up there knew to exploit physical stimulus to break my influences. That's where it all falls apart for me; keeping my concentration while dealing with my body.
He paused again, seeking the right words, and finally tilted his head towards her in a manner that bespoke sharing a confidence. When I work with nature, I become a part of it. I am more than myself, and my focus exists within my work on a level that is nearly total. Pausing for anything physically vital for my own body breaks that connection, reorients what is primarily vital in myself, and as a result my body is often neglected.
He snorted, uncertain how to begin to address the issue, where to begin trying to mend this weakness. He gets so lost in his element that nothing else exists; including himself.
I can expand until I can sense and touch vast forests, and thanks to your insight earlier I can expand even to becoming attuned to each leaf in that forest, but expanding to include myself eludes me. I can feel the veins of a leaf; the ones within myself are a wholly separate experience, well outside of my influences. The disconnect is too prominent to ignore - at least right now.
He felt so lost when he thought of it. How to connect what was outside of his realm of influence to the total focus of what was his to influence? It felt insurmountably impossible.
It took time for her to navigate her way out of her her own mind, but eventually, as the little firefly sparks slipped down to say hello - odd little floating lights that they were, perhaps a greeting from the very toplight she had used to excuse herself - some small awareness returned to her. This truly was a marvelous construction, now that she was able to focus better on truly examining it, and the little lights only added to the wonder.
Glancing around revealed OakHeart standing close with Astarte, and she smiled at the sight, yet another wonder. He was a stallion that made few connections that didn't involve a bush of some kind; to see him making friends, especially with someone as lovely as Astarte was, warmed her heart.
It was brighter up here, with the little glow-lights, than near the other windows; that was odd, as the sun set on the ground before sleeping, and if it was the last vestiges of daylight the brightness should be focused towards one side or the other. Glancing at the glow-lights, she whispered Are you keeping the brightness here for me? and fluttered her wings as she spiraled higher to touch one of the 'flowers' with her nose. It felt similarly to the map that shifted on the wall, and yet it was warmer. Somehow it felt more welcoming; but that could easily be her own affinity for light. Eventually she would really have to show her friend the blinding glare of her home, the two suns sparkling off of endless snow and blazing ice lit with special crystals.
It was brighter here than it was near the books. Seeking comfort from the familiar, she lingered a moment longer, trying to figure out how it was that this piece glowed while others slowly dimmed. They didn't need her right now, after all.