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Posting Elemental
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Re: Randomness

Post by Songhue »

Oh - and yes, I'll more likely than not be in ferret form in one of 'em. Most likely in Breeze's, really.

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Re: Randomness

Post by Vineda »


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Re: Randomness

Post by Tigress »

-wants to rp- -too many muses- lol

Posting Elemental
Posting Elemental
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Re: Randomness

Post by Songhue »

Okay, I know I've semi-vanished, but I do still have random pretty things. In keeping with the poofing, it's a link this time.

http://m.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a. ... =notify_me

That -should- work. I hope.

Posting Elemental
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Re: Randomness

Post by Songhue »

I'm sitting here contemplating circles, thinking that if something happened to me then at least my lovelies would have each other still. My head is all full of facts and planning.

Okay, so, layout.

Hybrid, Flint, Shiro and Breeze all want to stay together. They're thick as thieves. That means that all stallion slots would be taken, plus where Breeze goes, Nova goes, because she darn well said so. Breeze and Nova are the definition of exclusive, but it'd be sort of chaos with the others. Especially Flint and Shiro; massive open love, there. Hybrid is circumstantial; he has a fancy for someone, and if she's free-love then so's he, but it ain't required either way.

Caelum can take in three couples, and Thyme, Darroch and BlackIce are willing; they're surprisingly close, those four. If Darroch can't be with Hybrid, then Thyme is a good choice. All four get on really well and click enough to have formed a bit of a group already. They'd have room for three mares; none mind sharing, really, save for Caelum. Tundra is His.

I keep thinking Tribe would be great with Crest and round things out in Sparkle's and Amber's circle, but Crest has been absent literally for years... It's a shame, because it just seems so /perfect/ if I can just get a chance!

Frolic could have another mare and a couple stallions in hers, but nobody's willing to jump in with a bunch of strangers (Sparkle made that mistake and has warned against it as he almost didn't get out). Thor and Flit are exclusive, if memory serves, nobody really knows Satin, and HISTORY with Frolic/Spin. An established couple and one more stud, then it's full. No takers.

Thorn's used to have Nova, but that broke when she was abandoned. They can take in two more mares; again, strangers. No takers.

Eternal and Caustic are both enigmatically picky and slightly haughty. If they join with anyone, it has to be someone "worthy" of them. Eternal's even worse than Caustic, in a way, as with her it's a sheer confidence in how special she is. If she settles for any less than another rogue, I'll be shocked; but if she did, it'd be for Caustic, I think. They want to stick together.

All things said and done, for a few I'd need to find compatible mares with few to no stallions in the circle.

Lessee. Flint, Shiro, Breeze, Hybrid and Nova would have to be a new circle. They all more or less have gone through Hell and back and have either a battered soldier or journeyman from afar type of experience. There's a Red Sands, Eternal Sun, Summer Storm, Arctic Winds and Unknown... So... The Circle of the Cycle's Echo. Cycles of moon fases, days, seasons - the same cycle echoing back again. Been there, done that, got it all covered.

Circle of the Cycle's Echo
Shiro Suisei


Lead mare - Nova, as founding mare
Lead stallion - Breeze, as her mate and because, yes, he can step up and make this His just as Sparkle has.

Circle of the Phoenix Gate (unless Kyra has an objection, since this is random speculation)


Lead stallion - Caelum, both natural leader among them and as founder
Lead mare - Tundra, as mate and founder

Too bad about Tribe... I want to officially place her in Cherished Dreams, but I won't limit her. She might find another option. She adores Sign, and gets on just fine with Sparkle, Path and Amber. She's even comfortable with the idea of West and has grown to love Pixie through what he means to Path and Darroch (especially Path). But she's also a pain - she's got no real knowledge of Crest and insists on loving everyone before agreeing to join. He's the only anomaly keeping her from making it officially full.

Though Eternal and Caustic both want to petition to join the Circle of the Shining Sea. I'll have to poke Moony and Tal... Eternal likes the concept of another rogue, and Caustic has taken to Sunspot in that he's become a project of his.

If that's accepted it just leaves Tribe. Which is funny, in a sad way. The tribal one without the tribal circle. Oh well - it's because she's so picky, you know. Her tribe/circle is sacred. Just hasn't found it yet!
Last edited by Songhue on Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:21 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Pierre Monteux
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Re: Randomness

Post by Pierre Monteux »

I'm here trying to solve writers block. My current solution is to stare at the screen. Given how well (or rather lack thereof) that is working, I think I need a new solution.

And I'm slowly getting out of lurking, unless the writers block wins.

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