The sunset over the Fields is particularly stunning tonight. Vibrant reds clash with deep purples
streaked violently with long, dark clouds as if the sky itself is being stretched until it rips apart. The ground is covered in a grey-silver fog which curls past trees and nestles in hollows, the absent night wind allowing it to reside peacefully in the last vestiges of dusk.
As many pause to watch the colors fade into night, some cannot help but feel a slight prickle,
as if they are being watched. If true, the source remains unseen, biding their time to come out of the shadows.
Hidden Eyes [Unbonded RP]
Moderator: Tigress
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Re: Hidden Eyes [Unbonded RP]
Two figures walked in companionable silence, each lost in thoughts. One a slim human figure in a traveling cloak, the other a serian standing out in a lime green that seemed to glow with the light thrown off from the colorful sky. Vineda watched as their slow steps caused patches of fog to furl and wisp in almost hypnotic swirling patterns. The two had been passing quietly through the Fields after spending the day catching up and talking much. Now was their time of enjoying the painted sky and the cool earthy scent the mist brought with it.
It was not a sudden feeling, but more of a subtle creeping sense that made the hair rise on the back of the girl's neck. The sense that someone was watching, possibly waiting. That something was imminent. Steps slowed even further, coming to a complete stop a second after her companion. What is that? she murmured aloud. Shamrock had his head up, looking to scent and sound for clues but finding none yet. Dunno. Someone well hidden it'd seem... Eyes began searching as the two stepped forward again slower than before. Perhaps the fog had a less natural source.
It was not a sudden feeling, but more of a subtle creeping sense that made the hair rise on the back of the girl's neck. The sense that someone was watching, possibly waiting. That something was imminent. Steps slowed even further, coming to a complete stop a second after her companion. What is that? she murmured aloud. Shamrock had his head up, looking to scent and sound for clues but finding none yet. Dunno. Someone well hidden it'd seem... Eyes began searching as the two stepped forward again slower than before. Perhaps the fog had a less natural source.
Re: Hidden Eyes [Unbonded RP]

Overhead, the movement of a cloud released a faint shaft of sunlight. In the shadow of an ancient willow tree a hazy silhouette appeared for a moment, barely discernable between the unusually still branches. It shifted towards the searching pair, head tilted thoughtfully and eyes softly gleaming in the fading light.
As twilight darkened the sky, the figure moved towards the girl and her companion. With each step the fog thickened, thoroughly obscuring its contents and stifling any sounds within.
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Re: Hidden Eyes [Unbonded RP]
It seemed the sun would take a final breath before settling in for the night’s rest. The view was more spectacular than any she could remember in a very long time. Vineda made a mental note to return for future sunsets here. Some trick of the light allowed a vague glimmer of a serian form sheltering beneath a beautifully matured willow. It was getting quite dim so there was little telling if it were a serian she’d met before or a stranger. What she -could- discern was that he or she seemed to be moving towards them.
A thrill of excitement ran through her at that realization; she admired and cared deeply for those called Serians. Any chance to make a new acquaintance was most welcome.
Shamrock had better luck with vision, though he was more accustomed to the brighter days than the deepening night. It was thus far unfamiliar to him, though the dark was sneaky at times and could fool perception. “Spooky, eh?” He had to ask with a grin and a wiggle of his lime eyebrows in a manner that suggested dark plots and evil villains. It was an interesting motion on an equine form, one that earned a gentle shush with a secret smile from his bonded.
“The fog is an interesting effect. And so very still.” If she didn’t know better she would say he could make light of anything. Who knew if this other would appreciate the levity.
As the twilight’s fog draped its chill over the land the forms both figures breathed deeply. It had been a day of sunshine, and the cool moisture was welcome.
Vin called a greeting to the serian in a low voice that would carry nonetheless over the nonmoving air in the distance between them. “Hello there, good sir or lady. Forgive my eyes for their slowness to adjust. Is this mist of your doing? It’s rather fantastic.” She smiled, whether or not it was seen she was glad to be friendly.
A thrill of excitement ran through her at that realization; she admired and cared deeply for those called Serians. Any chance to make a new acquaintance was most welcome.
Shamrock had better luck with vision, though he was more accustomed to the brighter days than the deepening night. It was thus far unfamiliar to him, though the dark was sneaky at times and could fool perception. “Spooky, eh?” He had to ask with a grin and a wiggle of his lime eyebrows in a manner that suggested dark plots and evil villains. It was an interesting motion on an equine form, one that earned a gentle shush with a secret smile from his bonded.
“The fog is an interesting effect. And so very still.” If she didn’t know better she would say he could make light of anything. Who knew if this other would appreciate the levity.
As the twilight’s fog draped its chill over the land the forms both figures breathed deeply. It had been a day of sunshine, and the cool moisture was welcome.
Vin called a greeting to the serian in a low voice that would carry nonetheless over the nonmoving air in the distance between them. “Hello there, good sir or lady. Forgive my eyes for their slowness to adjust. Is this mist of your doing? It’s rather fantastic.” She smiled, whether or not it was seen she was glad to be friendly.
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Re: Hidden Eyes [Unbonded RP]
Web turned over her shoulder, eyes curious in the red cast of dusk. NightTears had paused several paces back, a distance too far for such a soft voice to carry—yet it did, whispering by like the fog. She chanced a quick glance at that lurid sky, measuring the span of light left to them, then looked back at the motionless stallion. “What is it?”
No reply—'gone’ again, perhaps. She bit back a sigh, the mist and grass curling about her hooves as she circled around to see what had caught her companion’s attention. There would be others in the Field, that was to be expected—she’d noted the luminescent green of another serian’s coat, a smaller humanoid at its side. Bonded, probably. She’d given them a wide berth, or had meant to—this fog must’ve confused her direction. They were but a few yards away, their pace also slowed.
“Not them.”
Closer now, she could make his eyes—clear, dark as ink. So, still with her, at least. Newly-bonded they may be, but she chose to trust those who held her thread. That much she had earned. “Then who, NightTears?”
Normally, she’d be able to sense something: a scent, a presence. That she had not was—concerning. But the fog was heavier, somehow. Deadening. For her, at least. NightTears tilted his head at nothing: the floating mist, the shadow of branches.
“Something else.” She moved closer to him, in case he decided to give himself to the Sight and fall. “Someone.”
Re: Hidden Eyes [Unbonded RP]
Underneath the armageddon sky, a pair walked towards the growing crowd in tandem. Silk moved just ahead of the anthromorphic form of her bonded, the pair sharing few words and appearing far more distant than they felt. Tigress had established a bond with this particular Serian that enabled them to more or less instinctively know what the other was feeling and thinking. It was no surprise when they both paused to look directly up at the sky, and then towards a cloud of fog that began to sweep deeper across the field.
The tendrils of moisture licked at Silk's hooves as she stared pointedly into the haze. Her feline companion watched her for a span of heartbeats, knowing that asking the question in her head was pointless. Her mouth was open and poised to speak when she heard the voice of another. The atmosphere was making her a bit jittery because she tensed in surprised before tilting her head towards the noise suggestively.
Without a word, Silk nodded and began to veer in the direction of the spoken words, though she was more or less searching blindly. She was starting to wonder if the fog was intentional and they were mindlessly walking into a blatant trap.
"Hello?" Tigress calls out into the haze, hoping the other would recognize her voice as well and perhaps guide them closer before they got lost.
[I don't mind coming across either party. My sona is familiar with both Web and Vineda so it would make equal sense ^^]
The tendrils of moisture licked at Silk's hooves as she stared pointedly into the haze. Her feline companion watched her for a span of heartbeats, knowing that asking the question in her head was pointless. Her mouth was open and poised to speak when she heard the voice of another. The atmosphere was making her a bit jittery because she tensed in surprised before tilting her head towards the noise suggestively.
Without a word, Silk nodded and began to veer in the direction of the spoken words, though she was more or less searching blindly. She was starting to wonder if the fog was intentional and they were mindlessly walking into a blatant trap.
"Hello?" Tigress calls out into the haze, hoping the other would recognize her voice as well and perhaps guide them closer before they got lost.
[I don't mind coming across either party. My sona is familiar with both Web and Vineda so it would make equal sense ^^]